Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Part One: Chapter Four - Belated Confrontation

Hiding In the Open

Part One: The Beginning

Chapter Four: Belated Confrontation

The three of us were sprawled out on the family room floor with our homework spread out. This

study date was going fine until he walked in the door.

"You're home early." Ash said to him.

"Coach let us out early." he said a bit harshly glancing at me.

"That doesn't seem like coach." Ash said prying. "He's not that nice."

"Fine, I had a bad practice, OK?" he said, now fully harsh. "I just have some things on my mind."

He swung his bag over his shoulder and ran upstairs. The girls just stared at me.

"Oh what?" I asked. "You think I'm the reason for his bad practice? That I'm the "things" on his


"Yep." Jeanie said.

"Can't think of anything else." Ash shrugged.

"Guys it can't be me." I said. "I mean, they're so many reasons why he couldn't be into me."

"It's been almsot six and a half months and all he's done is stare at you." Ash said. "He's so in love

with you."

"Well..." I trailed off. I realized I wasn't really in love with him... not yet anyway.

"Well what?" Jeanie asked.

"I'm not in love with him." I said. "I mean he'd be a good friend, but right now, that's it."

"Well, ok." Ash said, not convinced. Then I heard steps on the stairs.

"Hey, Mickey, can I talk to you?" Bret asked. I looked at the girls. They had smirks on their faces.

"Uhhh, sure." I said. I got up and mouthed to the girls "Stay here" because I knew they would

listen in. Then I followed Bret up the stairs to the back hallway.

"Mickayla, I just wanted to say-" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Bret, stop. Listen, I judged you. I jumped to conclusions and put you in a stereotype that you do

not belong in." I confessed. "I'm sorry for that and that this apoplogy is so late." The look in his

eyes, his beautiful eyes, was that of relief but also of conflict. At that moment, I wanted to kiss him,

badly. But I didn't. I knew I wasn't ready.

"Thank you." he whispered. "I want to be your friend, not your enemy, no matter the cost."

"Then eat lunch with me..." I said. He smiled and opened his mouth but I added, "... when your

friends are at school." His mouth closed and the smile faded.

"You found out." he said.

"Ash told me." I said. "That's the only thing I have an issue with. Why'd you lie.. or just not tell the

truth, rather?"

"I don't know. I guess I didn't think it was all that important." he answered.

"Well, I thought you were being chivalrous." I said. "But I guess not."

"Look, I'm sorry." he said, eyes pleading again. "I just- I just don't know what to do. I've never felt

this way about someone before, especially this fast. Besides my friends... well let's just say I don't

want to eat lunch with them for a while." I was silent, not knowing what to say. "You don't

have to say anything." he said answering my vacant thought.

"I-I-I should get back to the girls." I said.

"K." he said. I turned and headed back down the stairs. As I did, of course, I triped. And, of course,

he caught me. As he pulled me close, I looked into his deep lavender blue eyes. I felt the

connection. Then he pulled me closer. The spark, the electric shock that came with the touch of

his lips to mine was... invigorating, but scary at the same time. I wanted more but I knew that I

had to pull away.

"B-B-B-Bret..." I said breathlessly. "I-I can't do this. I-I'm sorry."

"OK." he said quietly. I turned around to head back down the stairs. It was then I realized that I

was in love with him. But I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship.

"So what happened?" Ash asked when I joined them.

"Well, we talked. Then I tripped coming back down the stairs and he caught me." I said. "Then...

he kissed me."

"WHAT???" the girls squealed.

"Yep." I said.

"I hate to say I told you so but... I told you so!!!" Ash said.

"Yeah, you did." I admitted.

"Well?" Ash asked.

"Well what?" I asked back.

"Oh come on girl. You kissed! Now tell!" Jeanie said.

"Alright. I give in. It was amazing." I said.

"Eeeeeep!" was the reply.

"So that means...?" Ash pushed.

"I'm in love with him." I mumbled.

"What? I didn't quite cetch that." Jeanie faked.

"I'm in love with him." I said loud enough for them to hear but not be overheard. The respose was more squealing.

"So are you together?" Jeanie asked.

"No, I'm just not ready for a relationship." I answered honestly.

"Ok, whatever." Ash said.

"Can we just focus on homework now?" I asked. The girls reluctantly agreed.

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